Thrive™ is Better For you

More of the good

Thrive™ Culinary Algae Oil contains the highest levels of monounsaturated fat, a good fat.

One bottle of Thrive™ Culinary Algae Oil* contains the same monounsaturated fat as 34 whole avocados. (*Reserve 16.9 fl oz or Premier 16.9 fl oz)

Thrive™ Culinary Algae Oil contains about 25% more monounsaturated fat than olive oil and avocado oil, and 75% less saturated fat than olive oil and avocado oil.

Helps maintain heart health

Highest level of monounsaturated fat

Today, we only get half the daily monounsaturated fat we need and consume almost twice the amount of saturated fat that is recommended. Thrive™ Culinary Algae Oil helps to restore the balance. 

As a source of good monounsaturated fat, it is a simple and delicious swap that can replace sources of saturated fat to help maintain heart health.

Helps Maintain Heart Health

75% less Saturated Fat Than Olive Oil

Today, we only get half the daily monounsaturated fat we need and consume almost twice the amount of saturated fat that is recommended. Thrive™ Culinary Algae Oil helps to restore the balance. 

As a source of good monounsaturated fat, it is a simple and delicious swap that can replace sources of saturated fat to help maintain heart health.

minimize omega-6 in your diet

≥85% Less omega-6 than regular cooking oils

Nutritionists and food scientists agree that it is advisable to limit the intake of omega-6 (as well as saturated and trans fats) and replace these with more healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3s.

Thrive™ Culinary Algae Oil has the lowest level of omega-6, to avoid oxidative stress and inflammation which may occur at higher intake levels.

Health benefits and healthcare cost savings

Suggested reading

For more information about health benefits and evaluation of healthcare costs savings with monounsaturated-rich oils and food products, we recommend this article in the Oxford Academic Nutrition Reviews: LINK (external page, opens in new tab)

A bottle of Thrive™ Premier Culinary Blend with Algae Oil. The Best Oil For Your Heart.