Pure Algae Oil Is Made From Microalgae
Mother of All Plants
Microalgae are the foundation of our food chain and the oldest source of nutrients on earth. Long before humans started to consume fish, in part for their healthy fatty acids, fish were consuming algae for exactly the same nutritious reason.
All plant life is derived from microalgae. Our ultra high oleic algae oil is made using a microalgae that was originally discovered in the sap of a chestnut tree in Germany.
This particular microalgae likes to convert plant-based sugars into algae oil through a natural fermentation process.

Natural Precision Fermentation
Nature's factory
The microalgae that we use in our process 'eat' plant-based sugars and efficiently convert these to algae oil through a natural precision fermentation process in closed tanks at the production facility in Brazil.
Once the microalgae have converted enough product, the algae oil gets expeller pressed out of the microalgae (similarly to how olive oil is pressed out of olives). No solvents are needed or used in the process.
Once the oil is separated from the microalgae through the expeller press, it gets washed and clarified. We then refine and package the algae oil in the U.S.A. and Vitamin E (an antioxidant) is added to help keep the oil as fresh as possible.

Circular production process
Renewable feedstocks
The feedstock used to ferment with the microalgae is renewable cane sugar responsibly grown in an Agro-Ecological Zone (ZAE Cana). Once the sugar is extracted from the cane, the left-over biomass is used to generate energy that powers both the sugar mill and the co-located algae oil production facility.
The efficient and circular process used to produce Thrive™ Reserve Pure Algae Oil leads to a significantly more sustainable product.